
TITAN France has been a multi-sector cataphoresis subcontractor since the 1970s.

For over 50 years, our teams have been meeting our customers’ deadlines. Our responsiveness, combined with optimum quality, are two of Titan France’s key assets.

Our cataphoresis line

Titan France has a cataphoresis line

Surface treatment: zinc phosphating

Useful dimensions (mm): Length: 1,600 / Width: 750 / Height: 1,200

Maximum weight: 500 kg per swing.

The process

Cataphoresis is a technology used to apply a protective coating to a metal substrate (steel, cast iron, etc.) by electroplating in order to protect the part against corrosion.


  • improves corrosion protection (> 800 hours)
  • improves adhesion with the paint film

The cataphoresis bath


It consists of ultra-filtration.


The standard thickness of the paint film deposited on the metal is 20µ (+or- 5µ), with a uniform black appearance.

Customer requirements

TITAN France’s cataphoresis-treated products meet the exacting corrosion-resistance specifications of major automakers.

Processes free of per- and polyfluoroalkylated substances (PFAs)

  • 47-01-000 Cahier des charges 47-01-000 : Test ECC1compliant at 21 cycles and up to 42 full-panel cycles
  • B15 5220: paint coatings applied to mechanical steel parts
  • Standard referenced NF EN ISO 9227 (neutral salt spray “NSS”): protection against physical, chemical and biological agents. Salt spray test in accordance with test method D171058: up to 800 hours.
Our laboratory

A three-person team ensures permanent control of all processes, guaranteeing the quality and follow-up of all parts processed:

  • Salt fog oven
  • Immersion tank
  • Thickness measurements
  • Grip tests
  • Titration and control of all baths

TITAN France is ISO 9001:2015 certified

The requirements of our quality department concern the corrosion resistance of metal parts.

Titan France aims to maintain a consistently high level of performance in anticorrosion protection and the resistance of treated components, in order to satisfy its customers.

Our environmental commitment

Environmental protection is a major concern at Titan France:

  • An effluent treatment plant treats wastewater
  • Discharges are subject to regular analysis and comply with legislation.
  • A choice of suppliers for the procurement of paints, binders, degreasing and phosphating products renowned for their commitment to the environment.

TITAN France is certified ISO 14 001 : 2015

The requirements of our Quality department concern the corrosion resistance of metal parts.

Would you like to find out more about cataphoresis or request a quote?

Detailed Cataphoresis quotation requestFor further information, please fill in the PDF document opposite and send it to us by e-mail or contact us by filling in the form below so that we can contact you.

Postal address

19, rue de Neuville
61100 Saint Georges des Groseillers


Email :


Tel: +33 (0)2 33 98 27 00
